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SureSync MFT Downloads & Updates

Step 1: Review the MFT Evaluator's Guide

If this is your first time setting up SureSync MFT, we strongly encourage you review the MFT Evaluator’s Guide and/or contact us for a demo.


Step 2: Download the MFT Installer

MFT Installer includes Hub and Agent options for servers/workstations.

File Name: SureSyncMFTSetup.exe

Version: 2.0.8

File Size: 48MB

Important: If upgrading from MFT v1 please follow the instructions here.

Download MFT Installer

Step 3 (optional): Download MFT Lockstatus

MFT LockStatus provides an end users messaging when shared files are open by another user for editing.

File Name: SSMFTLockStatus.exe

Version: 2.0.8

File Size: 14.5MB

Download MFT SyncLockStatus

Step 4 (optional): Download MFT Endpoint

MFT Endpoint provides an MFT solution for Windows-based laptops and desktops where you want the end user to have access to stop/start Jobs and view status.


File Name: SureSyncMFTEndpointSetup.exe

Version: 2.0.8

File Size: 21.3MB

Download MFT Endpoint

How to Convert SureSync to SureSync MFT

f you are interested in converting your current SureSync installation to MFT, you can do so using the directions below. Please note, this will not affect your SureSync installation.

How to Convert from SureSync (PDF)

If you have any questions, we encourage you to contact our Sales Team.

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